
Jumat, 29 Juni 2018

The Spirit of Da'wa

As a Muslim we need to spread the Islamic values in our lives. Each of our behavior, words, and our appearance indirectly reflects the Islam. Every Muslim can be regarded as an ambassador of the Islamic religion. If various ambassadors at school, college, or company will reflect the company and if we want to ask things about school, college, or company can be asked to the ambassador. So a Muslim is also required to be able to have knowledge about his religion in order to become a good ambassador.

An ambassador will convey the things that interest him in what he says. The ambassadors of Islam will also convey the things that can make others interested and understand about Islam. Shouting to goodness becomes an important thing for a Muslim, because Allah Subhana wa ta'ala says in Al-Qur'an Chapter Al-imron verse 104.

Translation: "And let there be among you a people who call upon righteousness, enjoin the ma'ruf and prevent from being evil; they are the lucky ones. " 

The meaning of this verse should be a group of people who are ready to take on this role, although it is an obligation for every individual of the people according to his capacity, as affirmed in the book of Sahih Muslim, from Abu Hurayrah, he said, Allah's Messenger said: "Whoever sees munkar(badness), then let him change with his hands, if he cannot, then he should change his tongue and if he cannot, then he should change with his heart and that is as weak as the weak faith. "(Narrated by Muslim)

Great virtues that can be obtained through preaching one of them is like in the hadith of the Shahabah of Uqbah bin 'Amr bin Tsa'labah radhiallahu'anhu, that the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu'alaihi wasallam said:
"Whoever leads to goodness will earn a reward like the reward of the one who does it" (Narrated by Muslim No. 1893).

Some of the fads of this hadith are: The virtue of da'wah in the way of Allah and showing kindness to others, whether the good of the world or the hereafter. The person who shows kindness will get the reward for showing the goodness and reward of the people who follow it. Charities that can be felt by others are more beneficial than charities whose benefits are limited to oneself. This Hadith includes people who show kindness to others with their deeds, though not with their verbal. Like people who spread the books that are useful, have a noble character and hold fast to the Islamic Shariah so that everyone can inspired by it. The virtue teaches the knowledge and the magnitude of the reward of a teacher who expects the reward of the Hereafter. It is advisable to ask God to be an example of goodness.

So when we want to get more reward, one of them is by da'wah or teach islam to everyone. If we try to think, as great or as much as we worship, prayer. Of course the reward is only one man's reward. But when we invite or preach to the example of two people who diligently pray through the medium of da'wah we do, we will get additional reward for two people prayer. If you invite a hundred people, a thousand people, of course more rewards.

Senin, 25 Juni 2018

Apakah menyerah merupakan solusi?

Saat masalah terus menerpa, saat tugas semakin banyak menyapa, saat kesibukan menjadi derita. Sejenak terpikir untuk berhenti dan menyerah terhadap kondisi. Menyerah karena merasa diri tidak mampu menghadapi masalah. Mundur karena kondisi organisasi yang kian tidak teratur. Berhenti saat aktivitas sudah tidak sesuai dengan nurani.